Welcome to the Reading Hall of Fame

The Reading Hall of Fame was established in 1973. Its purpose is to contribute, from the collective experiences of its members, to further improvement in reading instruction in such ways as the following:

  • presenting co-sponsored meetings at the annual meetings of related organizations;
  • disseminating the information from the papers presented in such meetings through ERIC and/or publications of related organizations;
  • indicating needed research, and trends of the past that hold promise for the future;
  • facing current issues in reading, and discussing them in open forum suggesting possible solutions.

Criteria for Membership

When nominated, members must have been actively involved in work in literacy for a minimum of at least twenty-five years. Their reputation is to be widely known and respected by people in the profession. Their contributions will be within the following: authorship of publications on literacy, including reports of significant research; performance in positions of responsibility in the field of literacy; and preparation of leaders in the literacy field through his/her teaching.

Those nominated for membership may be living or deceased.


New members are nominated each year, and can only be nominated by members of the Reading Hall of Fame. At the annual meeting of the membership held each spring the number of new inductees for the following year is determined. A call for nominations is sent out each fall, and via a process of voting by members, new members are selected and inducted at the following annual meeting.