Whose Knowledge Counts in Government Literacy Policies? Why Expertise Matters
Now available!
Edited by Kenneth S. Goodman, Robert C. Calfee, Yetta M. Goodman
Copyright: 2014
To order, go to the publisher's website: Routledge
Accountability, in the form of standardized test scores, is built into many government literacy policies, with severe consequences for schools and districts that fail to meet ever-increasing performance levels. The key question this book addresses is whose knowledge is considered in framing government literacy policies? The intent is to raise awareness of the degree to which expertise is being ignored on a worldwide level and pseudo-science is becoming the basis for literacy policies and laws. The authors, all leading researchers from the U.S., U.K., Scotland, France, and Germany, have a wide range of views but share in common a deep concern about the lack of respect for knowledge among policy makers. Each author comes to the common subject of this volume from the vantage point of his or her major interests, ranging from an exposition of what should be the best knowledge utilized in an aspect of literacy education policy, to how political decisions are impacting literacy policy, to laying out the history of events in their own country. Collectively they offer a critical analysis of the condition of literacy education past and present and suggest alternative courses of action for the future.
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We're ordering an extra printing of copies to be sent to media folks and key decision makers.. If there are policy makers or media people who you think should get a copy please send names and addresses to one of the editors.
Here is the table of Table of Contents
All proceeds go to the Reading Hall of Fame.
Ken Goodman
Whose Knowledge Counts in Government Literacy Policies?: Why Expertise Matters
Edited by
Kenneth S Goodman, University of Arizona
Robert Calfee, Stanford University
Yetta M. Goodman, University of Arizona
Table of contents
Kenneth S Goodman, University of Arizona, Emeritus
Robert Calfee, Stanford University, Emeritus
Yetta M. Goodman, University of Arizona, Emerita
Joel Spring, Queens College and Graduate Center–City University of New York
Chapter 1 Introduction
Robert Calfee, Stanford University
Knowledge, Evidence, and Faith: How the Federal Government Used Science to Take Over Public Schools
Part 1 The Political Realties
Chapter 2
Kenneth S. Goodman, University of Arizona ,
Whose Knowledge is counts? The Pedagogy of the absurd
Chapter 3
Patrick Shannon, Pennsylvania State University
Re-reading Poverty; Reorienting Educational Policy
Chapter 4
Jacques Fijalkow, Université de Toulouse-le Mirail (France)
Neoliberal and Neoconservative Literacy Education Policies in Contemporary France.
Chapter 5
Henrietta Dombey, University of Brighton ( UK)
Flying Blind: Government Policy on the Teaching of Reading in England and Research on Effective Literacy Education.
Chapter 6
Sue Ellis, University of Strathclyde, (Scotland, UK )
Whose Knowledge Counts, For Whom, In What Circumstances?: The Ethical Constraints on Who Decides.
Chapter 7
Renate Valtin, Humboldt University (Germany)
About the Dubious Role of Phonological Awareness in the Discussion of Literacy Policies
Part 2 Aspects of literacy: the knowledge base
Chapter 8
Kathy Short, University of Arizona
The Role of Story and Literature in a World of Tests and Standards
Chapter 9
Kathy Au, CEO School Rise LLC,
Taffy Raphael , University of Illinois at Chicago
The Staircase Curriculum: Whole-School Collaboration to Improve Literacy Achievement
Chapter 10
Rudine Sims bishop, The Ohio State University
Diversity in Children's Literature: What Does It Matter in Today's Educational Climate?
Chapter 11
Elfrieda Hiebert, Text Project & University of California, Santa Cruz
Katie Van Sluys DePaul University
Examining Three Assumptions about Text Complexity: Standard 10 of the Common Core State Standards
Chapter 12
Judith Langer, State University of New York at Albany
The Role of Literature and Literary Reasoning in English Language Arts and English Classrooms
Chapter 13
Jane Hansen, University of Virginia
Writing Teachers: The Roles Exploration, Evaluation, and Time Play in Their Lives
Chapter 14
William Teale, University of Illinois Chicago Circle,
Jessica L. Hoffman Miami University,
Kathleen A. Paciga Purdue University Calumet
What Do Children Need to Succeed in Early Literacy—And Beyond?
Chapter 15
David Bloome, The Ohio State University
Melissa Wilson, , Columbus Area Writing Project
The Impact of Changing Conceptions of Language on Curriculum and Instruction of Literacy and the Language Arts
Yetta M. Goodman, University of Arizona